Тест по английскому на словарный запас по теме "Money and banking" №7

BANKS. Put each of the following words or phrases into its correct place in the text below.

account     bank     bank income     credited     creditor
debtor     deposit     depositors     funds     hide
interest     loan     paid     pocket     record
safekeeping     save     spend     withdraw


People money in banks for future use. A man may be each week for his work.
He probably will not want to all his pay the day he receives it. It may be risky for him to carry all his unspent money in his , or to it at home. So he may decide to put some of his money in a bank for . The money he puts in the bank is called a . This money is , or added, to his . An account is a of the money a depositor has in the bank. When the depositor wants to , or take out, part of his deposit, the must be ready to pay him.
Banks use the money of for loans to those who need . The bank that makes the loan is called a lender, or . The bank charges the borrower, or interest for the use of the . Charging for the use of money is the chief source of .