The writer I like best

To begin with, I have to admit that youngsters of my age do not do much reading. The most industrious pupils certainty do their homework regularly, and part of that work is reading — in Byelorussian, Russian and English. But as to taking up some additional stories, books that are out of the school schedule, they are not ever willing to do that.

With me and with some of my close friends it is different. I have done regular reading since I was about nine. I was never satisfied with the books included in the school curriculum. That was certainly not enough. I read many stories by Russian writers, and I naturally turned to foreign authors. The most interesting among them is Jack London. His books came my way when I was nine. It goes without saying that I first read those stories in Russian. At that time I was certainly unable to read them in the original.

The very first stories by Jack London caught my fancy. I was struck by the unusual situations described in them, by the unusual setting. But most of all, by the heroes. Those are always outstanding personalities. They are physically strong and enduring people. A great will helps them overcome all kinds of difficulties and hardships. Again, J. London places his characters in very unusual circumstances. The situations are such that only a person with great will-power can survive. J. London's heroes are able to find a way out from the most hopeless situations. I am particularly impressed by a man who is caught on his way in a terrible frost of 50 degrees or so below zero. The situation is so dangerous that the man has to calculate his every action, he has to plan his every movement. And then he has to keep moving all the time. He realizes that if he is slow or stops for a moment, he is lost.

Here is another subject about a sick man who finds himself alone side by side with a wolf. Both, the man and the wolf, ate sick and very weak. And each of them is waiting for die other to grow still weaker and faint, in order to feed on him. The situation is uncommonly dramatic. It takes your breath away, it shocks you! I admire the courage and human spirit of London's heroes.

I got interested in Jack London as a personality. His life story struck me no less than his work. What a man! He was strong and talented. He lived a life of adventure and hardships, so he knew what he was writing about. He is undoubtedly a romantic hero-himself.

My fondness of this great writer will stay with me all my life.