US political system

The United States of America, a federation of 50 states was set up by the Constitution in 1787. Under the Constitution, the federal government is divided into three branches.

The legislative power is vested in Congress. It is made up of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 senators and 435 members in the House of Representatives. Both houses must approve the bill for it to become a law. But before each bill is sorted by a committee. There are 16 standing committees in the Senate and 20 in the House of Representatives.

The executive branch is headed by the President, who proposes bills to Congress, enforces federal laws, administers national government, makes treaties, serves as commander-in-chief of the armed forces and appoints higher officers. The President can veto a bill unless Congress by a two-thirds vote shall overrule him. The President is the head of the Cabinet which today has eleven members.

The judicial branch is made up of Federal District Courts: Federal Courts and the Supreme Court. Federal judges are appointed - by the President for life. Federal Courts decide cases involving federal law conflicts between states or between citizens of different states.

The Supreme Court may rule the law to be unconstitutional.

The Senators are elected by popular vote for a term of six years two from each state, the Representatives are elected for two-year terms.

The President is chosen in nation-wide elections every four years together with the Vice-President.