Andrey Bogolubskii

1169 is considered to be the end of Kievan Russia. That year Andrei Bogolubskii conquered Kiev. Of course Kiev had been seized by different princes before. But it was the title of Grand Prince that they wanted, and Kiev became their capital.

For example Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei's father, occupied Kiev twice, but in 1157 he was killed there. After his death Andrei inherited the Rostov and Suzdal principality. As Andrei considered himself to be the eldest prince, he gathered a levy and seized Kiev. His troops didn't abstain from pillage and the capital of Kievan Russia was plundered.

But the-most strange thing was that on receiving the title of Grand Prince Andrei didn't stay in Kiev. His own principality was dearer to him, and such a thing happened for the first time: neither Rostov, nor Suzdal became the capital of Andrei's state. He chose Vladimir.

But the boyars didn't like how Andrei ruled. He wanted to be an autocratic ruler. He treated the boyars as his slaves. And in 1174 Andrei was murdered as a result of the plot organised by the boyars.

But Andrei sowed the seed of change. A new era, the era of Vladimir began.