The Celtiс life

To tell the truth, I like many historical episodes, but most of all I like to read books about Celts, their religion and their mode of life. The Celtic tribes occupied north-western Europe from the seventh to the third centuries BC. There were three big waves of the Celts, who settled in different parts of Europe. One great part of them settled in France, others peopled the Balkans, others resided in Spain. Celtic tribes had many names, some of them became the names of the territory, where they settled. For example, Brythons, who settled on the island, gave it their name. Celtic tribes had their customs and traditions. They made scarifies to their gods to be protected by them, deltic tribes had a complex hierarchy of priests.

Finishing off my topic, I want to say that we know very little about Celtic and Iberian religion, but I like the period. It is very interesting to read about Celts using fragmentary sources.