
Понимание текста упражнение №1

You are going to read a newspaper article about the influence of food on people's health and to answer the questions following it. Each question has 4 answers. Choose the one which you think fits best.


Could our memory and ability to learn be affected by what we eat? That old saying: "We are what we eat", seems more pertinent than ever with a spate of research that suggests we may have to go no further in our search for brain power and happiness than our dinner plate. A study now being conducted by the Human Nutrition Department of the CSIRO is looking at how folates and other В vitamins found in green leafy vegetables can influence our moods and our ability to think and remember. "Folate is a vitamin that helps us feel good," says project leader Dr Janet Bryan. "People suffering depression often have low levels of folate, and people who have lower blood levels of folate and other В vitamins perform relatively poorly on tests of mental performance." Another recent study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology indicated that people who ate inadequately or missed meals experienced greater memory loss than those who ate regularly. Zinc, found in seafood, red meat, poultry and eggs, has also been found to affect the brain's performance.

And even much-maligned fat may be important in the pursuit of health and happiness. Research published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine suggests that low-fat diets can lead to depression. The research found that young women who had low levels of cholesterol displayed higher measures of depression and anxiety than those with normal or high cholesterol.

While these might be significant findings for the world of modern science, they are nothing new to the branch of medicine known variously as natural, alternative or complementary. Natural therapists have long insisted that a properly balanced diet is as essential for the healthy function of the mind as it is for the body.

To David Stelfox, director of the Melbourne College of Natural Medicine the idea that foods could affect the function of the brain is self-evident' Foods are cocktails of literally hundreds of chemicals which can have an effect on the human body, Stelfox says. "We know that certain foods affect the function of certain organs and body systems. The kidneys and urinary tract for instance are stimulated by foods such as watermelon parsley and celery. In the same way, some foods can affect our mental performance and moods. What we eat can determine whether we are anxious or relaxed, happy or depressed, alert or dull-headed." This explains why we turn to stodgy comfort food when we're feeling miserable, and why we were always told to eat fish before an exam. High-protein foods rev up our brains to tackle a difficult mental task.

1. The writer aims at drawing the reader's attention to the fact that ...

   A. we should be vegetarians.
   B. we should follow a balanced diet.
   C. we don't need meat, but we need a great lot of vitamins in order to be healthy.
   D. we should eat what we like and enjoy our life.

2. It is said in the article that it has been found recently that ...

   A. irregular meals can tell sadly on our ability to remember events and experiences.
   B. our eating habits very rarely have any influence on us.
   C. children's mental performance can suffer from high-fat diets.
   D. old people are always in bad moods and it is not because of their diet.

3. It has been proved in some studies that depression is caused by ...

   A. the lack of zinc.
   B. the low content of cholesterol in the blood.
   C. the high content of cholesterol in the blood.
   D. the lack of seafood and vegetables in the diet.

4. There is an opinion that the bad mood can be improved by ...

   A. using the special medicine.
   B. keeping a properly balanced diet.
   C. eating food which holds a lot of vitamin B.
   D. eating only seafood.

5. Some years ago it was found that ...

   A. any fruits could be used to treat mental illnesses.
   B. health problems could be treated only with the help of new medicine.
   C. there was a connection between certain foods and certain organs in the human body.
   D. children's diet should consist only of milky food.