Тест по английскому на словарный запас по теме "History" №3

HISTORY. Fill in the blanks with the following words. You may use each word only once.

ancient     chronology     date     different     discovery
dividing     Egyptians     emphasis     Empire     era
events     fall     Far East     historians     history
increasing     Japan     mark     medieval     modern
neglect     periods     round     scholars     science

Divisions of History

The of dividing time into and of giving dates to historical is called .
History is generally divided into three periods, , medieval, and .
Ancient history usually begins with the story of the , Summerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. From there it moves on to a study of the Hebrews and Phoenicians, and the Persian It then shifts its to the west, and deals with Greece, Carthage, and Rome.
For a long time historians tended to the Far East, but historians now place emphasis on the histories of China, , India and other countries of the .
No one exactly knows where ancient ought to end used to agree on the A.D. 476, which was supposed to the fall of the Roman Empire. We now know that Rome did not suddenly "fall" and that life in 477 was not much from life in 475. But the end is usually given as about 400 or 500 A.D.
Some historians end the period with the of the Byzantine Empire in 1453.
Others run the date up to 1492, so that they can start the modern with the of America. Since there is really no sharp line, many prefer to begin the modern period with the number 1500.