My daddy

Нотный текст - my daddy

1. A curly headed kid with a sunshiny smile
Heard the roar of the plane as it sailed through the sky.
To her playmates she cried with her bright twinkling eye,
"Our daddy rides that ship in the sky.
My daddy rides that ship in the sky, my daddy rides that ship in the sky,

Mama's not afraid and neither am I,
Our daddy rides that ship in the sky."

2. A pug-nosed kid as he kicked up his heels
Said, "My daddy works in the yard and the steel.
My daddy makes planes so they fly through the sky.
That's what keeps your daddy up there so high,
That's what keeps your daddy there so high, that's what keeps your daddy there so high.

You're not afraid, well neither am I,
Because my daddy keeps your daddy up there so high."

3. Then a shy little girl pinched her toe in the sand,
Said, "My daddy works at the place where they land.
So you tell your mama don't be afraid,
My daddy'll bring your daddy back home again,
My daddy'll bring your daduy back home again, my daddy'll bring your daddy back home again.

Don't be afraid if it gets dark and rains,
Because my daddy'll bring your daddy back home again."

a curly headed kid with a sunshiny smile — малышка с вьющимися волосами
и сияющей улыбкой
heard the roar of the plane as it sailed through the sky - услышала рев самолета в небе
playmates — друзья (по играм)
bright twinkling eye — ясные светящиеся глаза
mama's (mama is) not afraid and neither am I - мама не боится, и я тоже
a pug-nosed kid as he kicked up his heels — курносый малыш, пританцовывая
works in the yard and steel — работает на сталелитейном заводе
that's what keeps your daddy there so high - вот почему твой папа летает так высоко
the place where they land — место, где самолеты приземляются (аэродром)