Тест по английскому на словарный запас по теме "Army" №3

THE ARMY. Match the definitions with the defined word.


1. to inspect
2. to muster
3. to parade
4. to salute
5. to review

a) to inspect very formally and ceremonially, esp. by an officer of high rank, or a king
b) to show respect by raising an arm or firing a gun
c) to look at soldiers in order to examine the state of their uniforms, etc.
d) to bring soldiers together for a review or parade
e) to march in ceremonial order

6. ambush
7. assault
8. invasion
9. raid
10. siege
11. skirmish

f) taking control of another country
g) a brief unimportant fight
h) an attack on a place by keeping an army round it and stopping anyone from getting in or out
i) a surprise attack
j) a sudden secret attack by a small group
k) a strong attack

12. to annex
13. to surrender
14. to capture
15. to liberate
16. to relieve
17. to seize

l) to capture quickly or very forcefully
m) to take control over land
n) to get by fighting
o) to stop the siege
p) to set free from a tyrant or conqueror
r) to give oneself up to the enemy